ベックマン・コールター ライフサイエンス

Development of Human Blood Cell

Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.

”Development of Human Blood cells”の配布を開始しました(WHO分類に整合するように改定されました)。
白血病・リンパ腫タイピングなど細胞の分化段階、系統を確認するのにお使いいただけます。 是非、検査室などフローサイトメーターの近くに貼ってご活用ください。


Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.

LG Heading (h3)

LG Heading (h3)

Drop Volume 25nl
Volume Transfer Range 25nl - 5ul one well to one well
Transfer Accuracy <10% deviation from target volume
Drop Volume 25nl
Volume Transfer Range 25nl - 5ul one well to one well
Transfer Accuracy <10% deviation from target volume
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.

LG Heading (h3)

Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.